...experiencing la one meal at a time

...experiencing la one meal at a time

Friday, June 25, 2010


LEAP training, session 1: Vanna Novak.

Vanna is, for one, amazing. She's engaging and comfortable and enthusiastic and put-together. Clearly a good fit for a workshop on effective public speaking. I think I learned a lot, especially about gesturing, but we'll see how those skills play out tomorrow at the SAG Meet-and-Greet. It's easy to talk to the LEAP intern class--I like them, I respect them, and already know they accept me--so in a situation where I'm legitimately nervous... well, that's a new ballpark.

Afterward, saw a little bit of J-town and hashed out a pretty good start on our project. I think it's top secret, for now. Or maybe I'm just too lazy to detail it here. :P

The SAG movie premiere of "Night Catches Us" tonight was pretty cool. It was at the LA Live/Regal Theaters/Staples Center area. A traffic director man saw Kelley and I and immediately asked if we were going to the after-party. Maybe it was the dresses? I'm glad we dressed up though, because there were quite a few people who looked like they wanted to impress, and there was even some photographers. I didn't recognize the people they were shooting, but they must be famous for something. The director had a Q&A after the film. L.A. is serious business, clearly.

More tomorrow. Bed now. All this famous show-biz nonsense wipes me out!

"And then I start being Awesome."

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