...experiencing la one meal at a time

...experiencing la one meal at a time

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

"probably Packaged Ramen for dinner, but it's still early so who knows?"

I need some Mountain Dew. I'm tired beyond all get out. I wonder if there are any vending machines in this building. I haven't seen any as of yet.

Last week I was extremely estatic about the 10-day L.A. forecast, predicting sunshine every day, all day, from then until forever. Should've knocked on wood. Today marks Day Two of gloom. Do gray skys follow me or something? I've been wearing tights under my slacks and a sweater to work for the past two weeks... meanwhile, in Michigan, I see status update after status update complaining of heat waves, people melting, and general lack of air conditioning. This morning I used the heat in my car because my feet were cold. I guess it doesn't matter that my car's air conditioning doesn't work, huh?

Today I discovered You Offend Me You Offend My Family, mostly because of their "Movies that Should Have Starred Asians" section. (I really should explore the internet caverns more often; you probably wonder where have I been, under a rock?) When you sit, like I do, making notes of all the movies that have APIs, are directed by APIs, concern API topics... well, it's hard to imagine a world where the Godfather starred Asians. They have one about Star Wars and Lucas' influence by the Vietnam War. When my roommates were forcing me to watch the series (in release, not chronological, order), I might have been more invested/less sleepy if they had found and shown me this first: http://youoffendmeyouoffendmyfamily.com/movies-that-should-have-starred-asians-the-star-wars-trilogy/

I almost got into a car crash yesterday. Some dummy waited until I, with my green light, was in the middle of the intersection to begin his left-hand turn. Really? Tires screech, we almost collide head on. So scared I didn't even think to honk. Honestly, though, I never think to honk; it gives me away as non-native almost as much as my license plate, no matter how great I am at navigating traffic.

Tonight's forecast: Crayon quest beginning around 5pm. Short naps becoming multiple REM cycles likely. High probability of a non-nutritious dinner at home, unless a text surprises me with an invitation to something more exciting.

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